拓 展 会 议 的 深 度 和 纬 度
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华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 程翔 翻译并供稿
Preparing for the Inevitable – Paris
Dr. Stéphane Manzo-Silberman
Cardiology Department
Hopital Lariboisiere, Paris
Every day we expect the enemy to arrive. For now, we prepare and wait. France is a couple of weeks behind Italy but following the curve. There are less than 100 COVID positive patients in the hospital. In the cardiology department, we have two suspected cases who have been isolated from other patients.
The most severe COVID patients go to the intensive care unit and the less severe go to the general medical ward. Currently these departments accept all the COVID patients. When both areas are completely full, we will start taking patients here in the cardiology unit. This department has three levels. When the time comes, we will empty one floor for the COVID patients. We have 12 beds in the coronary care unit and will dedicate three or four of those to patients with confirmed or suspected infection. These beds will be put in a separate room.
The main fear of the cardiology staff is becoming completely overwhelmed with patients. We are preparing for that. Staff are being trained on how to protect themselves and their patients from being infected – how to isolate patients, and the protective clothing to wear.
We are progressively stopping elective procedures. It’s challenging to change the way we do things overnight. It’s going slowly because we have to balance the risk of postponing procedures even in stable patients with the risk of contamination with the virus. We have decided to postpone all procedures in asymptomatic patients and in patients with stable lesions.
Since the beginning of the week we have cancelled all outpatient visits. The cardiology department and the hospital are not equipped with teleconferencing software, so we are doing consultations by phone. First the medical secretary calls chronic patients to ask if they are stable and feeling fine. If yes, a cardiologist calls them for the consultation and sends their prescriptions by mail. If patients are unstable, they come to the hospital. Less than 10 chronic patients are coming per day compared to 70 in a normal situation.
We have protective clothing for the nurses and doctors who will be in contact with COVID patients. And we hold regular meetings with the infectiologists to check if the measures we are taking and planning are sufficient for now.
Since Monday, we have been holding a COVID cardiology meeting every day at 1pm for all the doctors and the head of nursing. We spend 30 minutes reviewing the situation. We decide which procedures to postpone and determine whether we have to clean and empty a ward to accept COVID patients. We also get an update from other departments on their COVID patient status, so we have a full picture of what’s happening.
Everyone wants to be active and participate in the effort. Staff continue to work their usual hours. We need all the doctors to be available because at any time we may have a rapid increase in cases.
I have never been part of anything like this. Previous infections have been risky for older people and patients with comorbidities. But anyone can catch coronavirus, even healthy people. Contamination is rapid and the number of cases is unprecedented.
We have seen from Chinese and Italian colleagues that the risk of death is not only due to hypoxia but also from cardiogenic shock. For the moment the level of evidence is low because we are still discovering the characteristics of the disease and we don’t know about the short and medium-term effects of the virus.
Facing this unusual and unexpected situation will improve our practice going forward. It will enhance the way we limit the spread of infection and the way we share data and practice with our European colleagues. It tightens the links between the cardiology community. These could be some of the few positive side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.